About us

Hey! I'm Sam,
arch. designer
I design homes from initial layout to detailed concept/ pricing plans with photo-realistic artist impressions. Designing homes & building a product that helps Australian builders level-up is highly rewarding!

Sam Naus

Hey! I'm Candice,
Layouts & Planner
I specialise in intial plan layouts alongside Sam and building the pipeline of new upcoming designs with the latest trends. Seeing our designs helping builders level-up is inspiring!

Candice Naus

Our story:

Starting in 2012, under the name SJN. Architecture, designing custom homes - from initial concept through to construction drawings was our jam.

During this time we worked on lots of private custom builds and directly with many custom home builders...One thing we noticed was lots of custom home builders losing out on great projects opportunities - sometimes without even knowing. 

Digging deeper, it came down to a better customer experience and pre-designed house plans that clients could start their design from.

Would you rather...
Buy a new motorcycle from a shop with zero bikes on display and the slowest order times? OR...that motorcycle shop down the road with the latest bikes all on display, ready to test and take home?

...It's the same when it come to a person (who's not in the building industry), thinking about designing their home from scratch. it often brings analysis paralysis! However, that same person when seeing what they like, they're more than comfortable to move forward.

Starting a new home design from scratch is a very real pain point for a lot of people. Not to mention the slow speed of designing a home from scratch! (also think of the lead-time for you).

Volume builders are not always a client's ideal choice, while Independent Builders, who genuinely care about build quality, normally force clients' to design from scratch.

...We decided to change this!

We started designing architectural concept house plans and paired them with inspiring artist impressions plus the original, editable CAD files (DWG & ArchiCAD) for fast custom changes.

We then tested this with a small group of Indepedent Builders over time.
...The results started showing!

Indepedent Builders who had our plans saw an increase in new-build clients start happening!

In 2017 we rebranded to Homepacks.

Now, we're always releasing new house plans and ultra-sharp artist impressions so Builders like yourself can prosper under your own independent brand.

Improvements over time saw Indepedent Builders get even more new-build leads, new-build clients signing up faster, and locals taking these Indepedent Builders seriously because of their professional look and frictionless, customizable new home designs!

The question is...
...are you ready to raise the bar?

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